Hario | Mugen Switch



Hario is synonymous with the world of coffee. And the world famous V60 is probably the king. Although available in many many variations - these are probably our favourite. Matte black (everything), durable, stylish, and a cup of coffee only a V60 can produce.

You asked and they listened. The Mugen switch is now here!

The MUGEN SWITCH Dripper simplifies the brewing process by eliminating the drawdown until you're ready so you get as much extraction as you want.

Instead of the V60-02 SWITCH's spiral ribs, the HARIO MUGEN SWITCH Dripper features star-shaped grooves, allowing paper filters stick to the dripper and coffee to flow downwards at a steady pace. This lowers the chances of channelling and bypass.

Use with Hario V60 V2 filter papers or the incredible fast flow Sibarist papers.

Although fine in the dishwasher, hand washing is always recommended. 

Made in Japan.


Use  Pour Over Coffee
Material  Main : Acrylonitrile-Styrene Resin / Holder: Silicone Rubber
Capacity  2-3 cup / 200ml
Dimensions  W116 x D118 x H133 x ⌀116mm
Size  V60-02 (filters not included)
Weight 50 grams


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