Yukihiro Sakai is a young blacksmith from Kumamoto Prefecture. After apprenticing for Daisuke Nishida, Sakai-san has since started producing his own line of knives using many of the same techniques and materials as Nishida-san, including forge-welding their own steels in house.
These knives are made with Shirokami #1, or white carbon steel, and are entirely handmade by Sakai-san.
This Hinokuni line is named for the Kumamoto Prefecture and Mount Aso, a famous volcano, and means 'Country of Flame.'
Please note that these knives are cladded with soft iron and are entirely reactive. Keep clean and dry to prevent rusting.
Blade | 180mm / Double Bevel |
Steel | Shirokami #1 / Kurouchi |
HRC | 62-63 |
Handle | 125mm / Oval Cherry Handle / Black Plastic Ferrule |
Weight | 213 grams |